Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Unit 11: Digital Library, Institutional Repositories

Unit 11: Digital Library, Institutional Repositories

I am lost on which week or assignment number these are so I will be posting by title and hopefully just working ahead.

Digital Libraries: challenges and influential work:

• The origin of digital libraries comes from the government, specifically the work of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (D.A.R.P.A.), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (N.A.S.A) and National Science Foundation (N.S.F.). In the 1990’s the government advanced the idea of the digital library as a means of providing access to large amounts of data to researchers that would otherwise have difficulty accessing or utilizing the research of others. It has certainly paid off for the rest of us.

Dewey meets Turing: librarians, computer scientists and the digital libraries initiative:

• Discusses the effect of the web on librarians and computer scientists and their respective expectations.

Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure for Scholarship in the Digital Age:

• A nice overview on institutional repositories and the concepts behind them. I like the idea of a completely collaborative effort that included students as having input as well as just gaining access.



Muddiest point: Agian, I was okay with the material covered, but I think my dates on these assignments are still off. Example, was this reading due on 11/21, 11/28 or am I off by more than I expected?

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