Thursday, December 4, 2008

Social Software

The articles presented for this sections reading really caught my interest, new technologies serving as methods of creating a community and educating it. I have used wikis and blogs in the past as sources of information ranging from gaming to politics and everything in between, but it never occurred to me that these technologies could be used as formal educational tools. This class’s blog assignment was my first experience writing a blog and I found the idea of real time information exchange in an open community to be fascinating. I can now see the immense potential that these technologies have for serving a libraries community in a relatively low maintenance medium.

The same goes for the use of wikis, but I was always concerned about the quality of content. I think for wikis to be really successful as an educational tool, or even just as a tool for the open sharing of ideas, a higher degree of trust must be present. Jimmy Wales addressed some of the issues I personally have had with wikis, he also covered some interesting idea such as the culture of the wiki community, the “Google Rule” (really got a good chuckle out of that), and of course the digital divide.

Blog comments:

Muddiest point:

There was a mention in the video of “IRC”, it’s something I was not familiar with prior to hear it there.

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