Friday, August 29, 2008

Assignment 2

Reading: Computer Hardware

This reading was helpful. Most of my experience with computers is based on specific applications; hardware is not something I have ever really had to focus on except for when I purchased my last computer and had it built specifically for the purpose of online gaming. Even then most of my information came from discussions with friends in the I.T. field since I had a difficult time locating a resource that was simplistic enough for a "laymen". The manner in which this wiki broke things down was nice and of course the links for further information was helpful.

Reading : Moore's Law (video)

According to Moore's Law the number of transistors on an integrated circuit can double in as little as two years. Since the statement was made in 1965, it has held to be fairly accurate. with the advances in nanotechnology I can clearly see how this is all made possible, but I also have to wonder where is the limit to where it is no longer possible when considering factors such as cost effectiveness, heat generation/effective cooling and the introduction of new technology.

Reading: Computer History Museum

Very interesting sight about the history and development of the computer and I.T. I am sure the more involved in the topic one is teh easier it is to become excited about the museum. Due to personal interest I found the sections on computer chess and how companies marketed computers.

Muddiest point: Still lost on the assignment due dates. Beyond that, I initially had some problems wrapping my brain around Moore's Law. I kept getting hung up on actual physical limitations, once I went over the material a few times and approached it from a strictly theoretical perspective it made more sense.

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