Friday, August 29, 2008

Assignment 1

I am a bit late getting things started with class this week. My sons started school this week also, and my wife has been out of town on a business trip so I have been left to my own devices. I did not get to watch the lecture until about 3 p.m. Friday and realized assignment 2 was kind of due before assignment 1. This entry will be changed and updated with assignment 1 over the weekend. Having assignments out of order would just drive me insane all semester so this is more of just a place holder.

Muddiest Point: Due dates on assignments. I am still not sure I have it down. Anyone else still confused on how this is to work out?

Reading: 2004 Information Format Trends

Having made the decision to obtain my M.L.I.S. years ago I am somewhat familiar with this report. The article makes some strong points about how technological advances have changed the information seeking behavior of our society. The traditional models of information delivery has changed; while the content maybe the focus they demand it be delivered in various mediums whenever they request it. Libraries must keep evolving with the technology in providing services that meet the needs, and behaviors of the consumer. Another interesting point made in the article, one I had not considered was the comment by Joi Ito regarding “must understand and build models that focus less on the content and more on the relationships.”

Reading: Information Literacy and Information Technology Literacy

The author of this article makes a good point of addressing the need to provide a basic foundation of knowledge for users of technology while providing them with the tools to be successful. I can see his point in how focusing too narrowly on a specific applications can provide short term success while advancing technologies can make that skill set outdated, where as providing a knowledge about technological infrastructure provides a better foundation for growth as we advance.

Reading: Lied Library @ four years

I had never considered the amount of planning that would go into a building like a library. I found it interesting that even though it was a10 year project, the planning seemed very successful of meeting the needs of the patrons and library staff with only some minor adjustments. Even as they looking towards further advances in the needs of their community, they have managed to provide a solid starting point for that evolution.

Muddiest point: Without a doubt the due dates for the assignments has caused me some grief.

1 comment:

Joy said...

My weeks been a challenge too. My four kids don't start school until September 2 so I've had all kinds of "extra help." I didn't view the lecture until Friday also and just did the best I could. I'm sure we'll all get into a routine soon.