Friday, September 5, 2008

PLease Stand by, we are having technical issues.

Having som eproblems with my connection this evening, I will repost when it is back up.

Blogging from a cell phone FTL =(

Week 3

I found the articles informative while not intimidating for someone who has only average exposure to computers and very limited experience with anything not Windows based.

Linux seems to have a fairly popular following among people even if it has not necessarily broken through to the mainstream. It seems highly customizable for those that are tech savvy and have some programming background, or at least very patient and willing to learn.

I do have some minor experience with Mac Os, and it was all positive. I enjoyed working on such a well integrated and powerful platform with what seemed like far superior multimedia applications. Once you can stop thinking in a Windows state of mind it was much less intimidating. I had hoped to make the change to a Mac system at home, but the costs just seemed to be prohibitive. The article seemed to have a more technical focus but did a good job making it informative and consumable for a layperson.

The Windows article was probably more of a refresher for what many Windows users have experienced as a captive audience to Microsoft. I have no actual problem with MS, from a business perspective their success is something to be studied (except for the whole anti-trust thing, but there are many views on that) and replicated, from the consumer perspective they do make good products, from the I.S. stand point they made a product that opened up computers to the masses.

Muddiest point: Nothing really this week, most of the material was fairly strait forward.

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