Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Unit 11: Digital Library, Institutional Repositories

Unit 11: Digital Library, Institutional Repositories

I am lost on which week or assignment number these are so I will be posting by title and hopefully just working ahead.

Digital Libraries: challenges and influential work:

• The origin of digital libraries comes from the government, specifically the work of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (D.A.R.P.A.), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (N.A.S.A) and National Science Foundation (N.S.F.). In the 1990’s the government advanced the idea of the digital library as a means of providing access to large amounts of data to researchers that would otherwise have difficulty accessing or utilizing the research of others. It has certainly paid off for the rest of us.

Dewey meets Turing: librarians, computer scientists and the digital libraries initiative:

• Discusses the effect of the web on librarians and computer scientists and their respective expectations.

Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure for Scholarship in the Digital Age:

• A nice overview on institutional repositories and the concepts behind them. I like the idea of a completely collaborative effort that included students as having input as well as just gaining access.



Muddiest point: Agian, I was okay with the material covered, but I think my dates on these assignments are still off. Example, was this reading due on 11/21, 11/28 or am I off by more than I expected?

Unit 10

I never really paid much attention to search engines beyond the general concept of I put something in and it gives me some directions on where on the web to look further. Granted, often times finding what I wanted took slightly more effort, but overall it was a fairly mundane task that I carried out constantly. That is until recently! Through my studies within the M.L.I.S. program, and some personal interest in long term research goals, web searches have become something of an interest to me.

Web Search Engines:

· The complexity of web searches is amazing.

· The idea of Politeness in the crawling algorithms made me laugh, but I can see the problems that would be created without such features.

· Never realized that by linking on your site it would increase its rank.

Metadata Harvesting:

· Was a long read that I really struggled to understand for the most part.

The Deep Web:

· Interesting idea, something I never had heard of.

· Decent article, the illustrations made the concepts more concrete and a lot more understandable.




Muddiest point: Just about everything in the Metadata article! I know I am late posting this, but I think I lost track of what I should be posting and when. I can hopefully make up some ground this week. Also; With the use of spam rejection techniques used by crawlers, does this eliminate or reduce the threat of “goggle bombs?”

Monday, November 10, 2008

Assignment 6

Below is the link to my website for class. I tested all the links, and everything should be in working order. I know it's not fancy, my original intention was to get the pages done and up-load them, then go back and do some touch up. Do to the problems I had getting them working I am not sure If i will have the time to do that.


Monday, November 3, 2008

On-Campus Weekend

It was an incredibly exciting (and stressful) weekend, but I have to say I actually enjoyed the chance of getting to meet everyone. Looking back, I regret my shy nature and wish I had the chance to speak with more people, it seems like we have an extraordinarily diverse and interesting group of people in our co-hort. Anyway, just wanted to say it was fun and I look forward to seeing everyone in the spring.

Unit 10...ehh...11

In the chaos of getting ready for the on-campus weekend I completely forgot about this posting so here it is…

For some reason I was really struck by the fact that digital libraries are relatively young. I had never heard, or at least paid any attention to the Digital Libraries Initiative from 1993. I guess digitals libraries being commonplace in today’s world just caused me to take them for granted and never really look at their origins. I think these readings were a nice break from the more technical material we have been covering for just that reason, it was a nice history of development as opposed to “this is how it is done.” I think it gives us a perspective of the rapid growth and acceptance of the concept. I also noticed that from the historic perspective, even if the articles are only a few years old, we are still struggling with many of the same issues today.

Muddiest point: Kind of confused on what happened, we went from 9 -->11? Not sure if I missed something or not.

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