Saturday, October 25, 2008

Week 9

I had some experience with HTML as I noted in last week’s reading assignment comments, but my experience with XML is extremely limited. Mostly it has been from discussion and the use of Microsoft’s Infopath at an old job. For some reason XML has always seemed intimating, not sure exactly why though. After reading the articles still felt the same, the tutorial gave me a chance to see XML inaction and made a bit more sense to me. Over all the reading gave a decent intro to XML, but I found using some other resources also helped give me a better understanding of what it was, and was capable of.

Some points I took away from the assignment;

XML is a markup language for documents that defines a standard way to view, and add to documents.

It allows you to set your own definitions for tags.

It provides the semantics of HTML and the structure of SGML (Standard Generailzed Markup Language) into one package.

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