Saturday, October 25, 2008


Still working on this assignment, for some reason I can only enter a few books at a time and then I begin getting errors and information will not load. I was able to add a few more today. Will try again later and hopefully finish this.

Here is a link to my work in progress:

I finally got the assignment completed after numerous issues with the website. I am not sure why I kept getting errors, or even only being allowed to do only a few entries at a time.

Week 9

I had some experience with HTML as I noted in last week’s reading assignment comments, but my experience with XML is extremely limited. Mostly it has been from discussion and the use of Microsoft’s Infopath at an old job. For some reason XML has always seemed intimating, not sure exactly why though. After reading the articles still felt the same, the tutorial gave me a chance to see XML inaction and made a bit more sense to me. Over all the reading gave a decent intro to XML, but I found using some other resources also helped give me a better understanding of what it was, and was capable of.

Some points I took away from the assignment;

XML is a markup language for documents that defines a standard way to view, and add to documents.

It allows you to set your own definitions for tags.

It provides the semantics of HTML and the structure of SGML (Standard Generailzed Markup Language) into one package.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Unit 8

I have some experience working with HTML from my undergrad work and always enjoyed the creative side of it. I have done various pages for classes and even a few sites for friends and family but nothing extensive. I became very familiar with cheat sheets and tutorial sites; they can make life so much easier. The site listed provide great resources to either get you through a mental block, brush up on some skills that may not be used often or just to play around with. I used sites like these until I discovered and fell in love with Dreamweaver from Adobe, a phenomenal piece of software.

The Goans paper was somewhat difficult to follow at times but did a good job presenting some options and factors that GSU, or anyone looking at a similar project, needs to consider.

Unit 7

How things work
- It is hard to believe that the internet is older than I am.
- It is almost mind boggling to consider all the actions that happen in milliseconds when you log in and connect to the internet.
- The article was a nice refresher, and the graphics illustrated the points being made rather nicely

Dismantling Integrated Library System
- I never really considered the issue of non-interoperability.
- It seems that new solutions are often just short sighted band-aids that hamper long term development

Google video
- The opening graphic of the globe just fascinated me; not only the heavy usage areas but also the lack of usage in areas. I would be interested to see a more current model with newer data.
- Google is often viewed negatively, but regardless of how you view them, they are extremely creative in envisioning how to bring technology to the masses and build upon it in the future.
- They seem to understand that Google employees are their greatest asset and focus on developing a culture reflective of how to impact people the world over in a positive manner.

Muddiest point: With new technology being introduced daily is the ILS “plateau” strictly due to economic factors?